Class Xyster_Container_Delegating_Abstract


Implements interfaces:

Abstract base class for immutable delegation to a container

  • copyright: Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Irrational Logic (
  • abstract:
  • license: New BSD License

Located in /Container/Delegating/Abstract.php (line 28)

Direct descendents
Class Description
Xyster_Container_Immutable Used to wrap an existing container and make it immutable
Xyster_Container_Delegating_MutableAbstract Abstract base class for delegation to a mutable container
Xyster_Container_Properties Immutable container populated from properties
Method Summary
Xyster_Container_Delegating_Abstract __construct (Xyster_Container_Interface $delegate)
void accept (Xyster_Container_Visitor $visitor)
object an getComponent (mixed $componentKeyOrType)
void getComponentAdapterByType (mixed $componentType, [Xyster_Container_NameBinding $nameBinding = null])
Xyster_Collection_List getComponentAdapters ([ $componentType = null])
Xyster_Collection_List getComponents ([ $componentType = null])
Constructor __construct (line 40)

Creates a new delegating container

  • access: public
Xyster_Container_Delegating_Abstract __construct (Xyster_Container_Interface $delegate)

Redefined in descendants as:
accept (line 50)

Accepts a visitor that should visit the child containers, component adapters and component instances.

  • access: public
void accept (Xyster_Container_Visitor $visitor)
  • visitor $visitor: the visitor

Implementation of:
Accepts a visitor that should visit the child containers, component adapters and component instances.
getComponent (line 61)

Retrieve a component instance registered with a specific key or type

  • return: instantiated component, or null if no component has been registered for the specified key
  • access: public
object an getComponent (mixed $componentKeyOrType)
  • mixed $componentKeyOrType: the key or Type that the component was registered with

Implementation of:
Retrieve a component instance registered with a specific key or type
getComponentAdapter (line 72)

Find a component adapter associated with the specified key

  • return: the component adapter associated with this key, or null
  • access: public
Xyster_Container_Adapter getComponentAdapter (mixed $componentKey)
  • mixed $componentKey: the key that the component was registered with

Implementation of:
Find a component adapter associated with the specified key
getComponentAdapterByType (line 83)

Find a component adapter by type (and optionally by parameter name)

  • access: public
void getComponentAdapterByType (mixed $componentType, [Xyster_Container_NameBinding $nameBinding = null])

Implementation of:
Find a component adapter by type (and optionally by parameter name)
getComponentAdapters (line 93)

Retrieve all the component adapters inside this container.

  • return: a fixed collection containing all the adapters inside this container
  • access: public
Xyster_Collection_List getComponentAdapters ([ $componentType = null])
  • Xyster_Type $componentType

Implementation of:
Retrieve all the component adapters inside this container.
getComponents (line 105)

Retrieve all the registered component instances in the container

  • return: all the components.
  • throws: Exception if the instantiation of the component fails
  • access: public
Xyster_Collection_List getComponents ([ $componentType = null])
  • Xyster_Type $componentType: the type to search

Implementation of:
Retrieve all the registered component instances in the container
getDelegate (line 115)

Gets the delegate container

  • access: public

Redefined in descendants as:

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