Class Xyster_Container_Behavior_Factory_Adaptive


Implements interfaces:

A component factory that creates property applicator instances

  • copyright: Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Irrational Logic (
  • license: New BSD License

Located in /Container/Behavior/Factory/Adaptive.php (line 44)

Method Summary
Xyster_Container_Adapter createComponentAdapter (Xyster_Container_Monitor $monitor,  $properties, mixed $key, string $implementation, mixed $parameters)
void _processAutomatic ( $properties,  $factories)
void _processCaching ( $properties,  $factories)
void _processPropertyApplying ( $properties,  $factories)
addComponentAdapter (line 87)

Adds a component adapter

  • access: public
Xyster_Container_Adapter addComponentAdapter (Xyster_Container_Monitor $monitor,  $properties, Xyster_Container_Adapter $adapter)

Implementation of:
Adds a component adapter
createComponentAdapter (line 59)

Create a new component adapter based on the specified arguments


  • return: The component adapter
  • throws: Exception if the creation of the component adapter fails
  • access: public
Xyster_Container_Adapter createComponentAdapter (Xyster_Container_Monitor $monitor,  $properties, mixed $key, string $implementation, mixed $parameters)
  • Xyster_Container_Monitor $monitor: the component monitor
  • Xyster_Collection_Map_Interface $properties: the component properties
  • mixed $key: the key to be associated with this adapter.
  • string $implementation
  • mixed $parameters

Implementation of:
Create a new component adapter based on the specified arguments
wrap (line 114)

Wraps another factory -- not implemented

  • access: public
void wrap (Xyster_Container_Adapter_Factory $delegate)

Implementation of:
Wraps a component factory
_makeInjectionFactory (line 124)

Gets the injection factory

  • access: protected
_processAutomatic (line 146)
  • access: protected
void _processAutomatic ( $properties,  $factories)
  • Xyster_Collection_Map_Interface $properties
  • Xyster_Collection_List $factories
_processCaching (line 129)
  • access: protected
void _processCaching ( $properties,  $factories)
  • Xyster_Collection_Map_Interface $properties
  • Xyster_Collection_List $factories
_processPropertyApplying (line 138)
  • access: protected
void _processPropertyApplying ( $properties,  $factories)
  • Xyster_Collection_Map_Interface $properties
  • Xyster_Collection_List $factories

Documentation generated on Mon, 19 May 2008 17:08:12 -0400 by phpDocumentor 1.4.2