Class Xyster_Container_Delegating_MutableAbstract


Implements interfaces:

Abstract base class for delegation to a mutable container

  • copyright: Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Irrational Logic (
  • abstract:
  • license: New BSD License

Located in /Container/Delegating/MutableAbstract.php (line 32)

Method Summary
Xyster_Container_Delegating_MutableAbstract __construct (Xyster_Container_Mutable $delegate)
Xyster_Container_Mutable addAdapter (Xyster_Container_Adapter $componentAdapter, [ $properties = null])
Xyster_Container_Mutable addComponent (mixed $implementation, [mixed $key = null], [ $parameters = null])
Xyster_Container_Mutable addComponentInstance (mixed $instance, [mixed $key = null])
Xyster_Container_Mutable addConfig (string $name, mixed $val)
Xyster_Container_Adapter removeComponent (mixed $componentKey)
Xyster_Container_Mutable with ( $properties)
Constructor __construct (line 39)

Creates a new mutable delegate container

  • access: public
Xyster_Container_Delegating_MutableAbstract __construct (Xyster_Container_Mutable $delegate)

Redefinition of:
Creates a new delegating container
addAdapter (line 52)

Register a component via an Adapter

  • return: provides a fluent interface
  • throws: Xyster_Container_Exception if registration fails
  • access: public
Xyster_Container_Mutable addAdapter (Xyster_Container_Adapter $componentAdapter, [ $properties = null])

Implementation of:
Register a component via an Adapter
addComponent (line 67)

Register a component

  • return: provides a fluent interface
  • throws: Xyster_Container_Exception if registration of the component fails
  • access: public
Xyster_Container_Mutable addComponent (mixed $implementation, [mixed $key = null], [ $parameters = null])
  • mixed $implementation: the component's implementation class
  • mixed $key: a key unique within the container that identifies the component
  • mixed $parameters: the parameters that gives hints about what arguments to pass

Implementation of:
Register a component
addComponentInstance (line 81)

Register a component instance

  • return: provides a fluent interface
  • throws: Xyster_Container_Exception if registration of the component fails
  • access: public
Xyster_Container_Mutable addComponentInstance (mixed $instance, [mixed $key = null])
  • mixed $instance: an instance of the component
  • mixed $key: a key unique within the container that identifies the component

Implementation of:
Register a component instance
addConfig (line 95)

Register a config item

  • return: provides a fluent interface
  • throws: Xyster_Container_Exception if registration fails
  • access: public
Xyster_Container_Mutable addConfig (string $name, mixed $val)
  • string $name: the name of the config item
  • mixed $val: the value of the config item

Implementation of:
Register a config item
change (line 107)

You can change the characteristic of registration of all subsequent components in this container

  • return: provides a fluent interface
  • access: public
Xyster_Container_Mutable change ( $properties)
  • Xyster_Collection_Map_Interface $properties

Implementation of:
You can change the characteristic of registration of all subsequent components in this container
getDelegate (line 118)

Gets the delegate for this container

  • access: public
Xyster_Container_Mutable getDelegate ()

Redefinition of:
Gets the delegate container
removeComponent (line 129)

Unregister a component by key

  • return: the adapter that was associated with this component
  • access: public
Xyster_Container_Adapter removeComponent (mixed $componentKey)
  • mixed $componentKey: key of the component to unregister.

Implementation of:
Unregister a component by key
removeComponentByInstance (line 140)

Unregister a component by instance

  • return: the adapter removed
  • access: public
Xyster_Container_Adapter removeComponentByInstance (mixed $componentInstance)
  • mixed $componentInstance: the component instance to unregister.

Implementation of:
Unregister a component by instance
with (line 151)

You can set for the following operation only the characteristic of registration of a component on the fly

  • return: the same instance with temporary properties
  • access: public
Xyster_Container_Mutable with ( $properties)
  • Xyster_Collection_Map_Interface $properties

Implementation of:
You can set for the following operation only the characteristic of registration of a component on the fly

Inherited Methods

Inherited From Xyster_Container_Delegating_Abstract


Documentation generated on Mon, 19 May 2008 17:08:26 -0400 by phpDocumentor 1.4.2