Class Xyster_Db_Gateway_TableBuilder_ForeignKey


A foreign key for the tablebuilder

  • copyright: Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Irrational Logic (
  • license: New BSD License

Located in /Db/Gateway/TableBuilder/ForeignKey.php (line 24)

Variable Summary
mixed $_columns
mixed $_fcolumns
mixed $_onDelete
mixed $_onUpdate
mixed $_table
Method Summary
Xyster_Db_Gateway_TableBuilder_ForeignKey __construct ( $columns, string $table,  $foreignColumns, [ $onDelete = null], [ $onUpdate = null])
array getColumns ()
Xyster_Db_ReferentialAction getOnDelete ()
Xyster_Db_ReferentialAction getOnUpdate ()
string getTable ()
mixed $_columns = array() (line 26)
  • access: protected
mixed $_fcolumns = array() (line 28)
  • access: protected
mixed $_onDelete (line 29)
  • access: protected
mixed $_onUpdate (line 30)
  • access: protected
mixed $_table (line 27)
  • access: protected
Constructor __construct (line 41)

Creates a new foreign key

  • access: public
Xyster_Db_Gateway_TableBuilder_ForeignKey __construct ( $columns, string $table,  $foreignColumns, [ $onDelete = null], [ $onUpdate = null])
  • array $columns
  • string $table
  • array $foreignColumns
  • Xyster_Db_ReferentialAction $onDelete: (optional)
  • Xyster_Db_ReferentialAction $onUpdate: (optional)
getColumns (line 55)

Gets the columns in the local table that reference the foreign one

  • return: An array of string column names
  • access: public
array getColumns ()
getForeignColumns (line 65)

Gets the referenced columns in the foreign table

  • return: An array of string column names
  • access: public
array getForeignColumns ()
getOnDelete (line 75)

Gets the onDelete behavior

  • access: public
Xyster_Db_ReferentialAction getOnDelete ()
getOnUpdate (line 85)

Gets the onUpdate behavior

  • access: public
Xyster_Db_ReferentialAction getOnUpdate ()
getTable (line 95)

Gets the table name of the foreign table

  • return: The table name
  • access: public
string getTable ()

Documentation generated on Mon, 19 May 2008 17:08:21 -0400 by phpDocumentor 1.4.2