9.7. Lookups

Lookups are special objects that can be added to an entity type. The allow for runtime generation of values based on the contents of an entity. They also allow setting values back to the entity. There are two different lookups that come with Xyster.


Can generate Zend_Date objects based on a date field in an entity


Can generate Xyster_Enum objects based on the value of a field in an entity

The best place to instantiate and add these lookups is the init method in your mapper classes. You can create your own lookup classes by implenting Xyster_Orm_Entity_Lookup_Interface.

9.7.1. Xyster_Orm_Entity_Lookup_Date

The date object takes two or three arguments. The type of entity that the lookup supports, the name of the field where the date value is stored, and optionally the name of the property on the entity that will invoke this lookup (by default it's the name of the field appended with 'Date').

When a new Zend_Date object is stored to the lookup property, its value will be written to the original date field on the entity (additionally, you can specify the format).

9.7.2. Xyster_Orm_Entity_Lookup_Enum

The enum lookup takes between 3 and 5 arguments. The type of entity that the lookup supports, a Xyster_Type object that represents the type of enum class, the name of the field where the lookup value is stored, optionally a flag for specifying whether the entity value is used as the enum name or value, and optionally the name of the property on the entity that will invoke this lookup (by default it's the name of the field appended with 'Type').

When a new Xyster_Enum object is stored to the lookup property, its value (or name) will be written to the original value field on the entity.