Class Xyster_Container_Adapter_Abstract


Implements interfaces:

Responsible for providing an instance of a specific type

  • copyright: Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Irrational Logic (
  • abstract:
  • license: New BSD License

Located in /Container/Adapter/Abstract.php (line 32)

Direct descendents
Class Description
Xyster_Container_Adapter_Instance Component adapter which wraps a component instance
Xyster_Container_Injection_Abstract This adapter will instantiate a new object for each call to getInstance
Method Summary
Xyster_Container_Adapter_Abstract __construct (mixed $key, mixed $implementation, [Xyster_Container_Monitor $monitor = null])
void accept (Xyster_Container_Visitor $visitor)
Xyster_Type getImplementation ()
mixed getKey ()
string __toString ()
Constructor __construct (line 53)

Creates a new adapter for a key and implementation

  • access: public
Xyster_Container_Adapter_Abstract __construct (mixed $key, mixed $implementation, [Xyster_Container_Monitor $monitor = null])

Redefined in descendants as:
accept (line 81)

Accepts a visitor for this Adapter


  • access: public
void accept (Xyster_Container_Visitor $visitor)

Implementation of:
Accepts a visitor for this Adapter

Redefined in descendants as:
changeMonitor (line 91)

Changes the component monitor used

  • access: public
void changeMonitor (Xyster_Container_Monitor $monitor)

Implementation of:
Changes the component monitor used
currentMonitor (line 101)

Gets the monitor currently used

  • return: The monitor currently used
  • access: public
Xyster_Container_Monitor currentMonitor ()

Implementation of:
Gets the monitor currently used
getDelegate (line 109)
  • access: public
Xyster_Container_Adapter getDelegate ()

Implementation of:
getImplementation (line 119)

Retrieve the class of the component

  • return: the component's implementation class
  • access: public
Xyster_Type getImplementation ()

Implementation of:
Retrieve the class of the component
getKey (line 132)

Retrieve the key associated with the component

Should either be a class type (normally an interface) or an identifier that is unique (within the scope of the current Container).

  • return: the component's key
  • access: public
mixed getKey ()

Implementation of:
Retrieve the key associated with the component
_checkTypeCompatibility (line 151)

If the key is a Xyster_Type, checks compatibility with implementation

  • access: protected
void _checkTypeCompatibility ()
__toString (line 142)

Returns the string representation of the object

  • access: public
string __toString ()

Documentation generated on Mon, 19 May 2008 17:08:10 -0400 by phpDocumentor 1.4.2