Authentication plugin
Located in /Controller/Plugin/Auth.php (line 34)
Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract | --Xyster_Controller_Plugin_Auth
The acl
The Auth adapter
The dispatch action for authentication failure
The dispatch controller for authentication failure
The dispatch module for authentication failure
The role provider
The current authenticated role
Whether the 'routeStartup' method has already been called
The dispatch action for authentication success
The dispatch controller for authentication success
The dispatch module for authentication success
Gets the ACL assigned to the plugin
Gets the dispatch action for authentication failure
Gets the dispatch controller for authentication failure
Gets the dispatch module for authentication failure
Gets the authenticated role
Gets the role provider used to translate the identity into a role
Gets the dispatch action for authentication success
Gets the dispatch controller for authentication success
Gets the dispatch module for authentication success
Called before Zend_Controller_Front determines the dispatch route
Sets the ACL to which the authenticated role will be added
Sets the authentication adapter
Sets the dispatch location for a failed authentication
Sets the role provider used to translate the identity into a role
Sets the dispatch location for a successful authentication
Does the actual auth work
Documentation generated on Mon, 19 May 2008 17:06:59 -0400 by phpDocumentor 1.4.2